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How to Move Files From Windows to VirtualBox

Hello friends, welcome back to our Web Blog Virtualization is a very helpful thing in our daily lives, including if we want to create a virtual operating system. On this occasion we will share about the VirtualBox Tutorial for Beginners, which discusses the How to Move Files From Windows to VirtualBox.

Move Files From Windows to VirtualBox


Tutorial Move Files From Windows to VirtualBox

Table Of Contents

  • What is Virtualbox and Virtualization
  • Install VirtualBox Guest Additions
  • How to Move Files From Windows to VirtualBox

If in the discussion in the previous article we were introduced to what is VirtualBox Guest Additions, then on this occasion we will discuss how to install VirtualBox Guest Additions on Windows.

What is VirtualBox Guest Additions

What is Virtualbox and Virtualization

VirtualBox Guest Additions are additional tools or drivers provided by VirtualBox which have functions, among others, features shared folders, shared clipboards, mouse integration, increasing graphic quality, drag n drop and many others.

VirtualBox has provided VirtualBox Guest Additions with an ISO image file known as "VBoxGuestAdditions.iso", and later during installation the file will be extracted and then installed. All right, let's go straight to the installation process.

How To Install VirtualBox Guest Additions On Windows

Before installing VirtualBox Guest Additions on Windows, make sure your friends have installed the Windows Operating System on VirtualBox.

1. Run the Operating System in VirtualBox

Make sure that the operating system that will be installed VirtualBox Guest Additions is already in VirtualBox, so that we can directly install the VirtualBox Guest Additions.

Start the virtual machine to be precise on Windows, if so, please wait until the boot is complete. The next step is to enter the Guest Additions Image.

install vbox guest di windows 7

2. Insert Guest Additions Image

The next step is to insert or enter the Guest Additions Image CD, the method is to click Devices >> Insert Guest Additions CD Image, or friends can see the picture below:

Insert Guest Additions CD Image

If so, please wait a few moments until the auto run pop up appears from the windows. Like the picture below.

Auto run Guest Additions CD Image

If it doesn't appear like the picture above, then friends can open it manually by opening itwindows explorer, then select CD Drive (D:) Virtualbox Guest Additions Image. Like the picture below

Open Windows Explorer

Run VBox Guest

If so, double click on CD Drive (D:) Virtualbox Guest Additions Image.

3. Install VirtualBox Guest Additions Image

The next stage, when the Virtualbox Guest Additions Image has been detected and has been clicked 2 times, then the next stage is the installation.

If you have clicked it twice, or run it, it will appear on our windows like this, then select it YES

Install VirtualBox Guest Additions Image

Next there will be a Welcome display from the Oracle VBox Guest, and just click NEXT.

Install VirtualBox Guest Additions Image 1

If so, next, we will be instructed to choose the installation location for VBox Guest, here just leave the default then NEXT.

VBox Select Destination Install

If so, we will select the components to be installed, here I select all, or check all, then click install.

Choose Component Install VBox Guest

Next, namely, there is a question, are we going to install software on our devices, here I checklist to always allow and then click INSTALL.

Install Software VBox to Device

If so, please wait until the installation is complete.

Process VirtualBox Guest Additions

After completing the installation, we are advised to restart our windows, if so, just select Reboot Now, and Finish.

Finish Install VirtualBox Guest Additions

How to Drag & Drop in VirtualBox Windows

Actually the way to move How to Move Files from VirtualBox to Windows is the same as the way to drag and drop. Let's follow the method:

After completing the installation of Virtualbox Guest Additions, the next step is How to Move Files From Windows to VirtualBox.

Friends need to understand, there are 3 types of drag and drop in VirtualBox, namely:

  • Host to Guest = that drag and drop can be done from the host (Original OS on the laptop) to the Virtual OS in VirtualBox. But it can't be the other way around.

  • Guest to Host = that drag and drop can be done from Virtual OS in VirtualBox to Host (Original OS on laptop), but not vice versa.

  • Bidirectional = In two directions, this method can drag and drop from the Host-Guest or Guest-Host.

devices => shared clipboard => bidirectional

If so, then next we will try directly to do drag and drop.

  • Prepare one of the files that will be used for Move Files From Windows to VirtualBox

    Preparing Files for Drag and Drop

  • If so, we can drag it into the guest / virtual operating system

    Stage of dragging

  • Next, if you have, drop it into the guest / virtual operating system. Then the result is as follows:

    The Process of Doing the Drop
Okay, I'm done with the tutorial on Transferring Files with the Move Files From Windows to VirtualBox.


With the Drag and Drop feature and with the bidirectional type then added with the VirtualBox Guest Additions facility, we can carry out the process of moving data or files easily. Such as moving the configuration file from Windows to Linux to make it easier in the configuration process.

Alright friends, that's enough for the Linux Learning Tutorial for Beginners, Understanding VirtualBox and How to Download Virtualbox. Move Files From Windows to VirtualBox.  I hope this tutorial is useful for all of us.  

That is all and thank you.

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